Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Information About Filing A Chapter Bankruptcy

Hello and welcome to the Chapter Bankruptcy Filing blog.

At the Chapter Bankruptcy blog I will be providing general information about the most common bankruptcies available. This will include information about chapter 7, chapter 11, and chapter 13 bankruptcy filings.

My goal with this blog is to give people the personal bankruptcy information that they need in order to determine whether or not a bankruptcy is right for them. I also want to provide further information about bankruptcies to anyone that has already made the decision to go forward with a bankruptcy.

If you have any questions about bankruptcy court, bankruptcy laws, or filing a bankruptcy please feel free to email me at


Asthma Treatment said...

Do you follow Grizz? Your blog setup is similiar. If so, I have Michigan bankruptcy blog I am working on

Kelli said...

Yes, I definately get a lot of advice from Griz about my websites. If you give me a way to contact you then I would be interested in talking about working together with our blogs.